Połączyć for recycled instruments

‘Połączyć’ was commissioned by the community project MiastoGra z Jegomościem w Kapeluszu as part of their 2020 final concert. The project aims to bring young people in the local communities together through music, showing that music is an indispensable part of our lives and can be found anywhere, while simultaneously raising awareness of sustainability and recycling. The piece is to be performed on instruments made from recycled materials which were crafted in workshops throughout the project.

MiastoGra took place in Strzelno, Poland throughout 2020. The project, run by Martha and Krzysztof Buzov, began with a team collecting unwanted household objects from around the community. They then went on to run workshops using the unwanted materials to create “Stage Instruments” and ”Musical Sculptures”. The stage instruments were played by children as part of a large scale summer concert.

‘Połączyć’ (which translates as Unite) was commissioned as a graphic score to be performed on the Musical Sculptures and was intended to be performed by a group of children in the final winter concert. Unfortunately due to Covid-19 restrictions, the live performance was unable to go ahead. Instead, concert participants filmed their performances which were compiled to form an online concert which was shared on youtube. The project leaders and a small group of participants recorded ‘Połączyć’ for inclusion in the video concert. They are hopeful that it will be possible for the piece to be performed live in the future.

‘Połączyć’ explores themes of unity and working together. The piece begins sparsely, reflecting emptiness and solitude. Gradually players are added until the music develops into a rich and interesting soundscape. Each performer has their own short motif which fits like a puzzle piece alongside the other motifs, with all the performers coming together to create a bigger, sonorous musical picture. The synth string pad was provided by Martha Buzov.

The Musical Sculptures now reside in the garden of Strzelno community centre where they can be played and enjoyed by the whole community.

A work in progress: creating the conductor’s graphic score.

A work in progress: creating the conductor’s graphic score.

Our activities were aimed at showing the community that music is an indispensable part of our lives and that it can be found everywhere. The workshops were to inspire the audience to find everyday objects and create new instruments with them, generating zero costs. “MiastoGra na recycling” encouraged the participants to make music and, above all, stimulated their imagination and creativity.
— MiastoGra

MiastoGra final concert. Premier of Połączyć begins at 40:12.